Sunday, 18 May 2014

Genius are Made or Born..?

             Our 2 billion year old earth had many changes inherent to attain this such stage naturally but sometimes human activities too supplement this constructively or destructively by scientific development. The technology world which we have now are result of inventions and innovations made by great scientist who are different from commoners in their brain levels and that’s what we call assuper brains.
            Every one cannot attain that like super genius but we all aspire too be. So now this is a great subject for many researchers around the world to find what makes those savants – a super brains. Lets take Einstein, the inventor of many scientific theory and notably The Atom Bomb which they claim this makes peace all over the world. His super brain which has a joint between prefrontal cortex and parietal lobe is different from commoners. Still researchers cant arrive at a conclusion that whether the super brain mad Einstein or Einstein made that super brain and all most all scientists had the same brain pattern.
           From above we cant say genius are born. Some times this cognitive ability also comes as a result of accidental damage in head. For instance, Jason Padgett, a furniture salesman of Washington, a school dropout was assaulted by some persons in his head which made him a math savant and now he is pursuing his algebraic college studies. Many cases like this happens, a person who had a bullet as he was a child and a person while diving in swimming pool got a accidental damage in their head which gave them cognitive abilities. Michio kaku aurthor of “The Future of the mind” who does research in these cases found in common that all were affected in their left temporal lobe which made them savants and he says they suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome, a mild form of autism- Genius Disease.
          By now researchers found from the brain of Einstein that he too suffered from Asperger’s Syndrome but he did not faced any accident on his head throughout his life. Not only Einstein but also Issac Netwon too suffer from this syndrome. So this makes still a question that whether The Genius are made or They are born.

             Do watch this video link  to what Michio kaku says.


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