Sunday, 15 June 2014

An elusive matter - Higgs Boson

               The earth we live in has undergone many changes till now and it constitutes from small unicellular organism to a huge mammals, from tiny dust particles to huge mountains, from little drop of dew to a mighty ocean. All vary in size, structure, mass but it was said that everything in the universe is a result of some combination of building blocks. This concept was initially said by Democritus at 400 B.C, who said that the world can be explained in terms of few building blocks which is indivisible called Atoms.
Here atoms is a Greek word for atomos i.e, indivisible. His postulate is older one. By  today’s technology we have found atoms are not indivisible because atoms has electrons that surrounds nucleus which is a binding of proton and neutron. Even to an extent scientists have found nucleus is made up of quarks and it is of two kinds – up quarks and down quarks. So , these are the fundamental particles and these fundamental particles reacts with force in a way that has a symmetry and this is the standard model of particle physics.

Way of Fundamental particles in standard model:
            All matter in the world is a result of building blocks of molecules that are made of atoms. When we say atoms, these are not indivisible. It has protons, neutrons and electrons. But during 1950s in Tevarton collider at fermilab found nucleus is made up of quarks, that are up quarks and down quarks. So only electrons, up quarks and down quarks are indivisible and  this was said as a standard model. Unexpectedly by 1960s some new particles were found in the new particle accelerators, so those new siblings of electrons and quarks were too added to the standard model’s fundamental particles table.
            Today’s standard model grew out of combining special relativity and quantum mechanics. Standard model says, all the basic blocks react with some force field which performs a symmetry to make a matter. Force in the sense it has four types, they are Strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, Electromagnetic force, Gravitational force. Here first three forces is responsible for maintaining this blocks at a stable level.
Strong nuclear force – This force binds the proton and neutron in the nucleus.
Weak nuclear force – This force is responsible for radioactive decay in case of sun converting its hydrogen into helium.
Electromagnetic force and Gravitational force  - we can see directly by eyes. It repels or attracts. Here in standard model, the gravity is left because it is of passive nature.

Identified fundamental particles:
Fermions –
            Quarks – u(up quarks), d(down quarks), c(charm), s(strange),t(top), b(bottom quarks)
            Leptons – Ve(electron neutrino), Vµ(muon neutrino), Vt(tau neutrino).
Bosons (force carriers)
            V(photon),  Z boson, W+ boson, W-boson, g gluon.
These force carriers with the particles make the symmetry but still there was an enigma that how these forces actually work. i.e. attraction between two magnets and how magnet knows that the other magnet is there moon’s gravity felt on earth. So, beyond these visible forces, there is something invisible which drives all. Many scientists strived hard to come out with that field, using worlds two great colliders.

Significance of Higgs Boson:
             The term Higgs Boson implies the name of two scientists. Higgs denotes- sir Peter Higgs who was awarded Nobel prize for finding the elusive particle, Boson denotes Satyendra nath bose an indian scientist whom with Einstein found the relevance of photons i.e. light is too merely of a particle nature and wave nature but predominantly particle and so he said light as a packet of photon which is of energy  As said, Standard model is on theory of Quantum physics which lays out that every particle is a collection of vibrations of its respective fields in a small packets called quanta. Two kinds of field exists which on its systematic vibration causes the particle into existence. The matter field results in matter particles and force field results in force particles. Similarly, Higgs field vibrates in a quanta and produces a Higgs particle which causes fundamental particles to acquire mass. This resembles the quantum theory.
            So without this field the entire universe will collapse like a house and all the particles in world would escape into space without any hold. This is because the quantum theory brings infinities and so symmetry cannot be seen.

Symmetry – a stability:
            The previous Standard model says, everything happens in a symmetry but this is possible in the only case of visibility but not in the class of mass. This was cleared out by the example of Mexican Hat method i.e. a ball in center of a bowl with least kinetic energy it maintains a symmetry. When it is moved with a reasonable force it moves around and again takes the same position this shows a symmetry but there are some restrictions for symmetry to occur, i.e. bowl should be without any distortions and ball should be of clear round but if a hump is made in center like a Mexican cap, then it will not take the same position always. Thus symmetry was threatened. To cure this deficit Francois Englert with Robert Brout and Peter Higgs (Nobel prize awardees) showed the same level of symmetry without destroying the accepted level with their explanation. This is because, Standard model is applicable if the particle is massless like that of electromagnetic particle with photon as its mediators. When weak force mediates W particles and Z particles, this cannot be proved.

Einstein’s analogy:
            This concept was well situated around Einstein’s special theory of relativity. i.e. E=mc2. According to this analogy when particle more reacts with field, it acquires more mass, if it reacts less with the field thin it acquires less mass. Finding that particle is of a great significance.

Big Bang theory:
            We say, the entire universe is a result of Big Bang that occurred 5 million years ago, by then some particles were produced with pure energy and got cooled. Within 10-11 seconds a force mediated all the particles and started to move them in a symmetric fashion to have a certain structure. Thus the Big Bang theory says earth too formed by the way of obtaining some particles by the mediation of some field of force  with a symmetry.
            The field that mediated is what mow needed to be identified, because that is the one which gives mass to all the particle.

Identifying the Elusive particle:
            The work goes as such:  when two swiss watches are made to collide at a greater speed to find what are the parts that is made into being a watch. Similarly the fundamental particles(divisible ones) are isolated and made to collide each other to see what happens.
            Tevatron collider in Fermi lab at Batavia, Illinois, Chicago which can elicit an energy of 1.98Tev. here proton and neutron are made to collide each other in a valve  to find the field that binds it. By the way they found Quarks. In advancement at CERN laboratory in swiss-franco border a collider was made and it is the Large Hardon Collider(LHC) in 100m beneath the ground and 17 miles circular path at a cost of $10 million which can produce an energy of 14Tev(7 times more than tevatron collider) that can make 40 million collision per second. This uses high level of electricity to operate as needed for entire Geneva city. Here in LHC, proton-proton collision is made. The huge amount of  proton is combined and passed through the valve as a fine beam which is tedious because proton-proton repulsion will be greater, when found that was detected using CNN and ATLS detector. They found a field occurred and within seconds it disappeared, making the particles stable. Thus they found, when collision happened, a field with some particles were found unstable, suddenly that field drove altogether to form a stable content and a greater symmetry and that field is Higgs field.
               We can't conclude that Higgs field is the ultimate which can make symmetery all the time. when technology moves further and man's aspiration extends then even this Higgs field too can be disintegrated and make further explorations. But for now, the human knowledge worked till the symmetry of higgs field thats the reason Leon Lederman named it as a God Particle.